Good of the UNION
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Fun with Brothers/Sisters
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Your Monthly Dues  go to more than just the Hall and the District.
This section will highlight the Charities that our union support in and out of your community. We have donated to Red Canoe school drive and a food drive, we will be posting pictures of these events soon

We also did a cook out at the community house but sadly we did not get pictures this time. Our Community outreach committee is trying to put more activities together for our community. We will keep you posted on what our next project will be and when.

Another wonderful donation to the Red Canoe "fill the canoe" school supply drive!!
This was our donation to the Woman's shelter in Longview. They were extremely thankful to all of our members for making this donation.
Our Locals donation of School supplies to the Red Canoe fill the canoe drive.
Our Secretary dropping off the school supplies to Red Canoe Credit Union